Bare Foot In Haifa
I, for some reasons not clear to me, like to walk bare feet. However, I am stupid enough to think of what people will think of me. To be frank I could never make out what all those hundered and one people around think or rather do they notice me in the first case, forget about my foot ware. But this is how I am and hence you see this small piece “Bare Foot in
It was a beautiful weekend and as usual I freaked out all the day. By sometime around 4 in the evening, I found myself at a beach. Anyone who knows me also knows what beaches mean to me. In no time I was waddling in the waters of this unique water body, about which I described in a previous post. Now it is very apparent to any irrational human being that he should leave the foot ware and body ware on the shore before he takes a plunge. I being one among those 6 billion irrational species did the same.Mind you some of these species were dumb enough to leave there foot ware and body ware in the car.
An hour passed by and I care not to come out of the waters, which for some reason were very nice to me as usual. Then came the call from the leader of our pack, asking us to packup. Oh! No!, Where was I? Deep inside, far from the shore, all the others had gotten to the shore and I was atleast one sixth of an hour into the water. In all my hurry I could make it to the shore only in quarter of an hour. A quick shower and then I was in the car, I could feel the unplesant glances even in that dark, of course it was not pitch dark. But it was not these glances that were bracing me, it was some exhilarating feeling from beneath. It did not take me much time to realise the cause of this excitment, I was not wearing any foot ware. Oh! Gosh I have to go back and search and that means more wating and more such glances. Any way just for the heck of it I went in search of those elusive foot ware, I was sure of not finding them. And yes I did not find them.